Anxiety Can Be Positive!!

Anxiety is a most familiar word particularly in the midst of a pandemic. It is effecting masses of people, both old and young. Anxiety traditionally has been associated with adults, but it is […]

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Shadow Self

The “Shadow Self”… Oftentimes, our shadow self or “dark side” (trauma, fear, doubt, anxiety) tries to hijack us and take us away from the light (goodness) in the present moment. As humans, we […]

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Effective Mindfulness Technique

WAIT: an effective mindfulness technique to utilize while standing in line. As we find ourselves waiting in lines more frequently during these pandemic times, I encourage you to give this a try  #wait#worththewait#mindfulness#present#therapy#anxiety#anxietyrelief#anxietysupport#pandemic#covid19#safetyfirst#makethemostofit#opportunity#adjustment#support#reentry#therapist#counseling

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