Being a parent is difficult. Being a parent of a special needs child? Daunting, exhausting, and exhilarating. The demands never seem to end. Endless Doctor visits, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, oral motor therapy, medications the list goes on and on. How do you cope? How do you get through the day and meet the needs of the rest of your family? Or maintain a job? These questions are the bare bones of being the parent to a special needs child. Your feelings can be like a roller coaster ride dependent on the actions of your child or a mere medical report. How is your spouse handling things? Are you a single parent? Do you have support? I am one of these parents. It’s never easy, but you can learn to find joy in each day and in your child, while handling the rest of your life and even having a life! After 33 years, I’ve learned it’s all about the little things. What seems like the smallest milestone, can be monumental to us. That extra special smile, the unexpected giggle, the eating of a full meal, all of those things are to be celebrated. Gratitude for each day and the lessons we learn from these special angels, surpass any education we  get anywhere else. But it’s not easy.

  1. Make some time for yourself each day, even if it’s just 10 minutes.
  2. Find a capable babysitter. (Weekend programs are a great way to meet these lifesavers!)
  3. Therapy can help with acceptance and coping skills.
  4. A support group is invaluable.
  5. Do what you can, the rest will wait.
  6. Look for an early intervention program. And always ask questions! Always!
  7. Do not let anyone take your hope away!!!

It’s the little things….